Green Vegetable Risotto

Cook Vegetarian's avatar
 2 Reviews

Recipe by Cook Vegetarian
Serves 4
Ready in 30 to 60 mins


  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • 3 garlic cloves, finely chopped
  • 175ml glass vegetarian white wine
  • 200g Arborio rice
  • 600ml hot vegetable stock
  • 10 asparagus spears, chopped
  • 80g fresh or frozen peas
  • 80g fresh or frozen podded broad beans
  • 10g butter
  • 30g Cathedral City Mature Lighter
  • 2 tbsp mixed fresh herbs

How To Cook

  1. Heat the oil in a heavy bottomed pan. Fry the onion over a low heat for ten mins or until the onions have softened. For the last minute of cooking add the garlic to the pan.
  2. Add the rice and stir for a minute or two. Pour over the glass of wine and keep stirring while the wine is absorbed into the grain.
  3. Gradually ladle the hot stock into the risotto letting it absorb between each addition. Keep stirring it too as this encourages the starch to come out which is what gives risotto that creamy texture.
  4. With your last ladleful of stock add in the asparagus, peas and broad beans. The rice is ready when the grains are al dente and the rice is loose but not soupy.
  5. Add in the butter, cheese and herbs, then serve.
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2 people have helped to review this recipe. Thank you!

Posted by GeeJay on May 24, 2024

Looks nice, but crikey, this is a bit stingy. usual quantity of rice for 4 people is 300gms, main course. (And no I’m not an obese waddler!)

Posted by FaeGilfillan on May 28, 2024

We agree, 75g per person is at the smaller end of the range. Typically, nutritionists recommend 75-100g rice or pasta per person.

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Recipe IDEAS

Green Vegetable Risotto
  • Recipe by Cook Vegetarian
  • Serves 4
  • Ready in 30 to 60 mins
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • 3 garlic cloves, finely chopped
  • 175ml glass vegetarian white wine
  • 200g Arborio rice
  • 600ml hot vegetable stock
  • 10 asparagus spears, chopped
  • 80g fresh or frozen peas
  • 80g fresh or frozen podded broad beans
  • 10g butter
  • 30g Cathedral City Mature Lighter
  • 2 tbsp mixed fresh herbs
    How to Cook
  1. Heat the oil in a heavy bottomed pan. Fry the onion over a low heat for ten mins or until the onions have softened. For the last minute of cooking add the garlic to the pan.
  2. Add the rice and stir for a minute or two. Pour over the glass of wine and keep stirring while the wine is absorbed into the grain.
  3. Gradually ladle the hot stock into the risotto letting it absorb between each addition. Keep stirring it too as this encourages the starch to come out which is what gives risotto that creamy texture.
  4. With your last ladleful of stock add in the asparagus, peas and broad beans. The rice is ready when the grains are al dente and the rice is loose but not soupy.
  5. Add in the butter, cheese and herbs, then serve.