Indian Coconut Bread Paratha

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Recipe by Mark Sargeant
Serves 2
Ready in 60 mins +


  • 75g self-raising flour
  • 50g The Groovy Food Company Virgin Coconut Oil
  • pinch of sea salt
  • plain yoghurt
  • extra flour, for dusting

How To Cook

  1. Place the flour in a large mixing bowl with a good pinch of sea salt then add enough yoghurt to form a medium soft dough. Knead for five minutes then wrap in clingfilm and rest in the fridge for 20 minutes.
  2. When nice and chilled, dust a work surface with flour and roll the dough out into one large rectangle. With a spoon, spread the coconut oil over the dough then fold the dough back on itself so that you have four sealed ends and the coconut oil is all contained inside.
  3. Chill the dough to set the oil for about five minutes then carefully roll it out again, this time just folding it back. By doing this you are mixing layers of the oil through the bread. Chill again and repeat once more.
  4. Once the dough is nice and cold and firm, divide the mixture into two and roll out one piece into a circle about 15cm in diameter. Heat a heavy frying pan until hot and add a little of the coconut oil. Add a paratha and cook for 1-2 minutes. Repeat with the second paratha. Serve hot.
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Recipe IDEAS

Indian Coconut Bread Paratha
  • Recipe by Mark Sargeant
  • Serves 2
  • Ready in 60 mins +
  • 75g self-raising flour
  • 50g The Groovy Food Company Virgin Coconut Oil
  • pinch of sea salt
  • plain yoghurt
  • extra flour, for dusting
    How to Cook
  1. Place the flour in a large mixing bowl with a good pinch of sea salt then add enough yoghurt to form a medium soft dough. Knead for five minutes then wrap in clingfilm and rest in the fridge for 20 minutes.
  2. When nice and chilled, dust a work surface with flour and roll the dough out into one large rectangle. With a spoon, spread the coconut oil over the dough then fold the dough back on itself so that you have four sealed ends and the coconut oil is all contained inside.
  3. Chill the dough to set the oil for about five minutes then carefully roll it out again, this time just folding it back. By doing this you are mixing layers of the oil through the bread. Chill again and repeat once more.
  4. Once the dough is nice and cold and firm, divide the mixture into two and roll out one piece into a circle about 15cm in diameter. Heat a heavy frying pan until hot and add a little of the coconut oil. Add a paratha and cook for 1-2 minutes. Repeat with the second paratha. Serve hot.