Watercress, Melon and Pear Smoothie

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 0 Reviews

Recipe by Cook Vegetarian
Serves 1
Ready in Under 15 Mins


  • 1 gallia melon
  • 2 pears
  • 85g watercress

How To Cook

  1. Cut 1 Gallia melon into bite-sized pieces, removing the pips and peel. Feed through a juicer along with 2 cored, peeled and quartered pears and 85g of watercress. Pour into two tall hi-ball glasses, stir well and drink immediately.
  2. www.watercress.co.uk

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Recipe IDEAS

Watercress, Melon and Pear Smoothie
  • Recipe by Cook Vegetarian
  • Serves 1
  • Ready in Under 15 Mins
  • 1 gallia melon
  • 2 pears
  • 85g watercress
    How to Cook
  1. Cut 1 Gallia melon into bite-sized pieces, removing the pips and peel. Feed through a juicer along with 2 cored, peeled and quartered pears and 85g of watercress. Pour into two tall hi-ball glasses, stir well and drink immediately.