Wimbledon Eton Mess

Try this classic English dessert – light sweet cream, crumbled crunchy meringues and strawberries, swirled together with raspberry coulis. It tastes as good as it looks!

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 0 Reviews

Recipe by Cook Vegetarian
Serves 8
Ready in Under 15 Mins


  • 300g punnet strawberries
  • 4 meringues
  • 300ml carton whipping cream
  • half a 397g can Carnation Condensed Milk
  • juice of 1 lemon
  • 4 tbsp raspberry or strawberry coulis

Nutritional Information:

Calories: 264
Fat: 17.1g

How To Cook

  1. Chop the strawberries. Roughly break the meringues to bite size pieces.
  2. Whip the cream, add the condensed milk and re-whip to soft peaks. Add the lemon juice which should thicken the mixture.
  3. Reserve half the strawberries, meringue pieces and coulis to layer into the glasses, swirl the remaining ingredients into the creamy mixture.
  4. Layer the creamy mixture with the remaining fruit, meringue and sauce into eight serving glasses and serve.
  5. www.carnation.co.uk
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Recipe IDEAS

Wimbledon Eton Mess
  • Recipe by Cook Vegetarian
  • Serves 8
  • Ready in Under 15 Mins
  • 300g punnet strawberries
  • 4 meringues
  • 300ml carton whipping cream
  • half a 397g can Carnation Condensed Milk
  • juice of 1 lemon
  • 4 tbsp raspberry or strawberry coulis
    How to Cook
  1. Chop the strawberries. Roughly break the meringues to bite size pieces.
  2. Whip the cream, add the condensed milk and re-whip to soft peaks. Add the lemon juice which should thicken the mixture.
  3. Reserve half the strawberries, meringue pieces and coulis to layer into the glasses, swirl the remaining ingredients into the creamy mixture.
  4. Layer the creamy mixture with the remaining fruit, meringue and sauce into eight serving glasses and serve.