View Poll Results: Meat substitute or not in restaurants

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  • Would like to see meat substitutes on restaurant menus

    7 70.00%
  • Would NOT like to see meat substitutes on restaurant menus

    2 20.00%
  • I dont have an opinion either way

    1 10.00%
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Thread: Vegetarian options in restaurants

  1. #1
    Super Moderator juker's Avatar
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    Question Vegetarian options in restaurants

    Wondering what other peoples thoughts on this are -

    Would you rather restaurants offered you obviously vegetarian dishes, using vegetables etc, or that they used a meat substitute so that it looked like a meat dish?

    I wish more places used meat substitutes so that we had more varied meal options, but at the same time I am always wary about eating things that look like meat incase it has accidently been mixed up with real meat. I always have the worry in the back of my mind, and you dont get this with a plate full of veg!

  2. #2
    Junior Member
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    Mar 2012
    Goodness no! I think using meat substitutes is a lazy way of cooking. If I'm going out to eat in a restaurant I expect the chef to be as inventive and creative with their vegetarian dishes as I do with their meat dishes. That means inventive with vegetables, not processed food (quorn etc.)

    But then I don't really eat meat because I don't like it. Maybe if you 'miss' meat, you'd prefer the substitues.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Meat substitutes are an easy option in the home, but restaurants need to be a bit more canny about what they're cooking, not just whip out the Quorn. Why go out and eat when you can make it yourself at home? No, I vote lovely veggie dishes such as risottos, pastas and tarts using fresh and seasonal ingredients.

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    The Great Meat Substitute Debate

    I would like to see creative tasty meat substitutes. Definitely not quorn! In Singapore I had many very tasty dishes involving soya meat alternatives. I have no problem with this. When I see animals I dont see meat. Protein can be made into tasty shapes that are a pleasure to eat. It is good to have TVP or soya as an alternative to cheese in restaurants. The Chinese tend to use a lot of sugar and salt in these delicious alternatives (made in authentic regional Chinese style) but they are delicious as an occasional treat. I wouldnt want to go to a restaurant and be offered quorn sausages and chips. They could make their own vegetarian sausages. When I look at pigs I dont think 'sausages'!

    Here's my take on a Chinese dish. It only contains plain old tofu, but you could call that a meat substitute..
    Sweet and Sour Tofu | carrotsandclaret
    givepeasachance likes this.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Hi Karen! Just wanted to say your recipe looks gorgeous. I'm looking forward to giving it a try!
    Peace and peas x

  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    Thanks! I hope you enjoy it.

  7. #7
    Junior Member
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    I would like to, but I also share juker's reservations. I ate a veggieburger of the fake meat variety last year in a pub, and although I could just about tell it was veggie, it was a very close call.

    What I'd actually like is for pure vegetarian restaurants to offer things like this - it might also entice some more omnivores in. Oh, and Nandos too, purely because I know if any of my friends decide to have a meal there, there's nothing for me.
    juker likes this.

  8. #8
    Super Moderator juker's Avatar
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    I have only been to one vegetarian restaurant, in a street near London Euston train station where there are a few vegetarian Indian restaurants. I am not sure this really counts though because Indian restaurants cater very well for vegetarians anyway so there was nothing really different than going to an Indian restaurant

    I would love to go to a proper vegetarian restaurant where I could look at a whole menu of different things and actually get to choose what I want to have, rather than trying to find the one dish on the menu that is vegetarian.

    The closest I have been to that is a local-ish Victorian tea rooms which caters VERY well for vegetarians, not something you would expect from a place like that but I actually look through the menu and decide what I feel like that time, and often struggle to decide! They do everything from a full veggie English breakfast to veggie bangers and mash, quiches, tarts, loads of things. Its not a vegetarian restaurant but I think having that much choice on a menu is as close as I am going to get for now

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    I don't think that it will taste the same. Although they are mixed of veges or meat alone has also different taste?

  10. #10
    Junior Member
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    I think some with some meat dishes (curries, stir frys etc) you can't always work out what is veg and what is meat, so I personally don't see why a veggie meal must have a meat looking thing. But it is up to the individual.. I find most veggy dishes I've eaten taste just as good as a meat dish

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