Honeyed Fig and Blue Cheese Naan

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 0 Reviews

Recipe by Cook Vegetarian
Serves 2
Ready in Under 15 Mins


  • 2 Mission Naan breads
  • 8 sliced figs
  • 130g sliced vegetarian soft blue cheese
  • 4 tbsp honey
  • cracked pepper

How To Cook

  1. Preheat the oven to 200C/400F/Gas 6.
  2. Bake two Mission Naan breads for 5-6 minutes until they become slightly crisp. Top with eight sliced ripe figs and sliced vegetarian soft blue cheese. Drizzle over 4 tbsp honey and sprinkle with cracked pepper.
  3. Put back into the oven briefly to allow the cheese to soften but not melt. Serve warm, cut into wedges.
  4. www.missionfoods.eu
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Recipe IDEAS

Honeyed Fig and Blue Cheese Naan
  • Recipe by Cook Vegetarian
  • Serves 2
  • Ready in Under 15 Mins
  • 2 Mission Naan breads
  • 8 sliced figs
  • 130g sliced vegetarian soft blue cheese
  • 4 tbsp honey
  • cracked pepper
    How to Cook
  1. Preheat the oven to 200C/400F/Gas 6.
  2. Bake two Mission Naan breads for 5-6 minutes until they become slightly crisp. Top with eight sliced ripe figs and sliced vegetarian soft blue cheese. Drizzle over 4 tbsp honey and sprinkle with cracked pepper.
  3. Put back into the oven briefly to allow the cheese to soften but not melt. Serve warm, cut into wedges.