Strawberry and Lemon Munchkins

Cook Vegetarian's avatar
 0 Reviews

Recipe by Cook Vegetarian
Serves 12
Ready in 60 mins +


  • 200g white chocolate, broken into pieces
  • 200g Jordans Country Crisp with Strawberries
  • 250g tub vegetarian mascarpone cheese
  • 3 tbsp lemon curd
  • 1 lemon, grated zest
  • 200g strawberries, halved

Nutritional Information:

Calories: 221
Fat: 14.7gg

How To Cook

  1. Melt the chocolate in a large heatproof bowl, positioned over a saucepan of simmering water. Remove from the heat and stir in the Jordans Country Crisp, breaking up any large clusters with your fingertips. Make sure all the cereal is coated with chocolate.
  2. Spoon the mixture into two bun tins to make 15 cakes, levelling the tops with the back of a spoon. Chill in the fridge for about 25-30 minutes, until set.
  3. Meanwhile, mix together the mascarpone cheese, lemon curd and lemon zest. Fit a piping bag with a starshaped nozzle and spoon in the mixture. Keep chilled.
  4. Use a knife to ease the set chocolate bases from the bun tins. Pipe a star of lemon mixture on top of each one, and finish off with half a strawberry.
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Recipe IDEAS

Strawberry and Lemon Munchkins
  • Recipe by Cook Vegetarian
  • Serves 12
  • Ready in 60 mins +
  • 200g white chocolate, broken into pieces
  • 200g Jordans Country Crisp with Strawberries
  • 250g tub vegetarian mascarpone cheese
  • 3 tbsp lemon curd
  • 1 lemon, grated zest
  • 200g strawberries, halved
    How to Cook
  1. Melt the chocolate in a large heatproof bowl, positioned over a saucepan of simmering water. Remove from the heat and stir in the Jordans Country Crisp, breaking up any large clusters with your fingertips. Make sure all the cereal is coated with chocolate.
  2. Spoon the mixture into two bun tins to make 15 cakes, levelling the tops with the back of a spoon. Chill in the fridge for about 25-30 minutes, until set.
  3. Meanwhile, mix together the mascarpone cheese, lemon curd and lemon zest. Fit a piping bag with a starshaped nozzle and spoon in the mixture. Keep chilled.
  4. Use a knife to ease the set chocolate bases from the bun tins. Pipe a star of lemon mixture on top of each one, and finish off with half a strawberry.