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  1. #1
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    Vegetarian Cookery Blogs

    Hello everyone!

    Do any of you read vegetarian cookery blogs? I am obsessed lately, both with reading other people's and writing my own, so I thought I'd make a thread where we could share our finds... Vegans seem to be pretty prolific bloggers, so a lot of these are vegan blogs.

    I'll do the shameless self-promotion first. This is my new veggie blog and its Facebook page. I'd be really grateful for any likes, follows, comments, or suggestions (anyone should be able to comment on the blog, blogspot user or not, so please let me know if you have any problems.)

    Highball Emy's
    Highball Emy's on Facebook

    And here are a few of my favourites... I'd love to hear about yours!

    The Post Punk Kitchen

    Bite Me (I'm Vegan)

    Oh She Glows

    Vegan Richa

    Vegan Crunk

    Realistic UK Vegetarian



  2. #2
    Senior Member Pipsqueak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HighballEmy View Post
    Do any of you read vegetarian cookery blogs? I am obsessed lately, both with reading other people's and writing my own, so I thought I'd make a thread where we could share our finds... Vegans seem to be pretty prolific bloggers, so a lot of these are vegan blogs.
    Actually, although I know there are lots of blogs out there, I must confess I don't often follow them. It's a silly thing, but I find most veg. bloggers seem to originate from the US, and while I don't have any thing against that (best friends.. blah), I just have a deep seated personal hatred for cup measurements!

    I have these old balancing scales at home that originally came from a town grocers and which I bought from a junk shop for a tenner a few years ago and I'm really attached to them. Lovely big pan that takes lots of flour (a bonus if you bake bread) and these hefty cast iron weights in Imperial, which is what my Nanna taught me to bake in when I was a kiddywink. While I can easily do approximate Imperial / Metric conversions (we were taught Metric at school), Cups just seem to much of a stretch - they seem so counterintuitive, not so much for baking perhaps but certainly for vegetable focused recipes, I mean just *how much* leek equals three and a half cups? It also really irritates me when I can't get things over here that are available over there too.

    All rather petty I know, but then we all have our foibles and I'd be happy to follow any UK based veggie cooking blogs, I just need to make a little more effort to discover them - it'd also be great to see more bloggers posting here too.

    That said, I do have a couple of Moosewood books...
    Last edited by Pipsqueak; 12-29-2012 at 12:12 PM.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Pipsqueak's Avatar
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    Well I went on a hunt and found some blogs I like, with UK weight measurements and everything Though I don't know if they're all still being maintained.

    Bit of the Good Stuff | …for all the family to enjoy

    The Veg Space | A blog for vegetarian foodies

    A2K - A Seasonal Veg Table

    Parsley Soup Vegan Recipes

  4. #4
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    I've just started my veggie food blog - which you can find at Sick of Nut Loaf

    It's only in its fledgling stage so there aren't many posts as yet, but I'm keen to carry it on if there's enough interest! Hope some of you get time to have a look.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Pipsqueak's Avatar
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    Thanks Veggiecook, I think I'm going to start a folder in my bookmarks for veggie blogs from the UK, it's nice to see that there are a few more about - even tempted to start one myself. Good luck with it!

  6. #6
    Senior Member Pipsqueak's Avatar
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    And I decide to copy everyone else and start my own blog too. Only a fledgling affair as yet:

    Penniless Vegetarian UK

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pipsqueak View Post
    And I decide to copy everyone else and start my own blog too. Only a fledgling affair as yet:

    Penniless Vegetarian UK
    Wow... very nice Pipsqueak. I'm definately going to try those drop scones!!

  8. #8
    Senior Member Pipsqueak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KissMyNutLoaf View Post
    Wow... very nice Pipsqueak. I'm definately going to try those drop scones!!
    Cheers KMNL

  9. #9
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    I really like - it has a lot of East Asian (Thai, Indonesian) recipes.

  10. #10
    Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pipsqueak View Post
    And I decide to copy everyone else and start my own blog too. Only a fledgling affair as yet:

    Penniless Vegetarian UK
    I love it! Great photos too I look forward to following your blog Pipsqueak

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